
mercoledì 23 febbraio 2011

The Change...

From The Pain Come The Dream: The Recipients of the Reebok Human Rights Award

From the pain come the dream
From the dream come the vision
From the vision come the people
From the people come the power
From this power come the change

Peter Gabriel
The Reebok Human Rights Award

The Reebok Human Rights Award
was established in 1988 and honors men and women, under the age of thirty, who have made significant contributions to the cause of human rights, often at tremendous personal risk and always against great odds.
Paul Fireman is the Chairman and CEO of Reebok International, Ltd.
Samuel Kofi Woods is the Founding Director of the Catholic Justics and Peace Commission, Liberia
Angel Martinez is the Chief Marketing Officer of Reebok International, Ltd.


Post  N° 281

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