venerdì 16 settembre 2011

Giardino ad auto-irrigazione ed auto-fertilizzazione

Giardino ad auto-irrigazione ed auto-fertilizzazione nutre etiopi e loro ecosistemidi Meg Hewitt

31 agosto - Carote, barbabietole, verdure a foglia larga ed altri prodotti verranno finalmente coltivati fino a quattro volte all’anno nell'ambito di una nuova iniziativa amica dell’ambiente che coinvolge i giardini terrazzati nell’Etiopia centrale. Denominato “giardino del buco della serratura,” si tratta di un letto circolare di terra di circa 122 cm di altezza e 198 cm di ampiezza con una piccola spaccatura nella sua forma circolare per l’accesso (buco della serratura) ad un cesto per la concimazione. La forma circolare dei giardini rende molto accessibili la gestione di tutte le sezioni. L’esterno del giardino è fatto di pietre e composto da cinque strati di materiali. Lo strato di fondo del giardino si compone di frammenti di ferro quali lattine di bibite vuote, rami, erba e vasi di argilla rotti o pietre, che forniscono minerali al suolo. Come nutrienti vengono aggiunti uno strato superiore di terra e concime. Nel “buco” centrale vengono collocate erba alta per trattenere l’umidità e cenere di legno per fornire potassio. Il giardino è pronto per essere seminato dopo l’aggiunta di un ultimo strato di terra e concime. Ai giardini vengono aggiunti lombrichi per migliorare la fertilità della terra.
Questi originali giardini furono introdotti in Lesotho nel 2008 come tecnica di giardinaggio sostenibile, permettendo ai membri della comunità di produrre un’ampia varietà di verdure per nutrire le proprie famiglie. Tale tecnica di giardinaggio è una soluzione produttiva per le regioni etiopi colpite da deforestazione, sfruttamento eccessivo dei pascoli ed altre pratiche che contribuiscono all’erosione del suolo.
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Self-watering and self-fertilizing garden nurtures Ethiopians and their ecosystem
By Meg Hewitt
Carrots, beet root, leafy greens and other vegetables will finally be produced up to four times a year in a new environmentally friendly initiative involving raised-bed gardens in Central Ethiopia. Called a “keyhole garden,” it is a circular raised soil bed about 4 feet high and 6.5 feet wide with a small break in its round shape for access (the keyhole) to a composting basket in the center. The gardens circular keyhole shape makes all sections very accessible to tend. The exterior of the keyhole garden is made of stones and the interior is comprised of five layers of materials. The bottom layer of the garden consists of iron scraps such as empty beverage cans, twigs, grass and broken clay pots or stones, which provide minerals to the soil. A layer of top soil and manure are added for nutrients. Tall grass to retain moisture and wood ash to provide potassium are placed in the keyhole. The garden is ready for planting after a final layer of soil and manure is added. Earthworms are added to the gardens, which improve soil fertility. Earthworms create soil porosity that increases the water-holding capacity of the soil and stimulate populations of nitrogen fixing bacteria that neutralize soil pH. These supportive creatures suppress weeds and stimulate overall garden growth.
Keyhole gardens were introduced to Lesotho in 2008 as a sustainable gardening technique, allowing community members to produce a wide variety of vegetables to feed their families. This gardening technique is a viable solution for regions in Ethiopia that have been plagued by deforestation, overgrazing, and other practices that contribute to soil erosion.
Counterpart introduces method in key regionsCounterpart’s Ethiopian Sustainable Tourism Alliance (ESTA) has become a pioneer in introducing this innovative high yield garden design to the Ethiopian regions of Oromiya and the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region (SNNPR). A one-day training was conducted for community members, the ESTA field team and agents from the Ministry of Agriculture Development on this new farming advancement.
“It is important to emphasize that the target beneficiaries are women and families affected with HIV/AIDS,” Bedilu Shegen, Counterpart’s Chief of Party in Ethiopia stated. “Given that the keyhole gardens are easily managed from a standing position, without much bending, they provide less physical stress than typical gardens. This is such an accessible, sustainable livelihood.”
They help reduce farming labor and community dependence on external parties and are excellent projects for schools and groups to get involved in as well. Before starting the hands-on exercise, two short video clips on how to construct keyhole gardens were shown to the trainees, leaving them all highly interested in establishing these gardens. A simple brochure, displaying best practices and successful activities implemented in few African countries, has been prepared to guide field staff in the construction.
Keyhole gardens are a way to introduce community members to sustainable principles such as composting and using ‘grey water.’ This self-watering and self-fertilizing garden provides year-round vegetable production and has improved ecosystems and livelihoods in Ethiopia.
August 31st, 2011

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